Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Kite Adventure

One day Bob The Bear went outside.  The weather outside in the Dark Forest was on a warm Spring day. There were gusts of wind moving through the forest that day. Bob thought that this would be a perfect day to fly his kite. Bob’s kite was shaped like a silver and green dragon. This was a very special kite from his great-grandfather.  His great-grandfather gave it to him before he died.  Bob used this kite every time there was good kite wind in the forest. Bob left his oak tree and walked all the way to the clearing in the Dark Forest that everyone called Goodyear Heights. Bob was sailing his kite in the strong gusts of wind when all of the sudden, Bob fell down.  The special silver and green dragon kite was safe in Bob’s grasp. There was a problem! Bob injured his leg. His leg was sprained and it hurt to walk on it.

At home in the tree, Bob’s mom was getting worried.  Bob was not home for dinner.  Bob was late and it was getting dark.  

Bob was limping home in the dark carrying his kite when he saw Ben The Beaver riding his bike.  Ben had his special firefly lantern and it helped them see in the darkness.  Ben helped Bob get home in the dark.

“Why weren’t you home Bob?” Asked Bob’s Mom when he finally got home.

“I think I sprained my leg Mom.” Bob said as he came into their tree house limping.

“Would you like me to take you to the hospital Bob or let me just wrap it in gauze?” Bob’s Mom asked and was very worried.

Bob replied, “I’ll just let you wrap it Mom.”

That night Bob stayed up late and watched his favorit show called “How To Build Things From Wood.”

About a week later he was feeling much better.  Ben came back, and they both went kite flying again. They had a fun time together.  When they went back to Bob’s house they had a snack of chocolate stripe cookies and milk.

The End.

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